Using Peppol to streamline e-order management

Peppol e-order management

E-order management is the process of electronically managing orders, from the initial placement to the final delivery and invoicing. The use of Peppol e-order management can significantly improve transaction processes for both buyers and sellers, as it enables more efficient and streamlined communication, reducing errors and delays and ultimately leading to faster and more accurate fulfillment of orders.

The e-order delivers data in a structured format, making it an essential prerequisite for efficient futureproofed process automation. This includes turning orders into invoices automatically, improving accounting, and obtaining better-precision analytics.

The e-order tech stack

E-order management technologies can include electronic data interchange (EDI) and network access point providers, order management systems (OMS), electronic procurement systems, and e-commerce platforms.

These technologies allow for the seamless exchange of information between buyers and sellers, automating many of the manual processes associated with order management and reducing the risk of errors or miscommunications.

Advantages of using e-orders

One of the main benefits of e-order management is increased efficiency. By automating many of the manual processes associated with order management, companies can save time and resources, enabling them to focus on other areas of their business.

Additionally, e-order management can help to reduce errors and delays, as all relevant information is available in real time and can be easily accessed by all parties involved in the transaction.

Another critical benefit of e-order management is improved visibility. By providing real-time updates on the status of orders, companies can better manage their inventory, logistics, and overall supply chain, improving their ability to meet customer demand and respond to changes in the market.

How Peppol e-order management simplifies sales and purchases

Using the Peppol network, the next generation of EDI, for e-order management to exchange orders provides additional benefits for businesses throughout any business transaction.

Peppol is an electronic procurement system that enables businesses to exchange electronic invoices, purchase orders, and other documents with each other and with public authorities. By leveraging the Peppol network, businesses can establish a standardized and secure platform for exchanging e-orders, improving efficiency and reducing administrative burdens.

This post explains more about how Peppol differs from other business network solutions.

E-order messages in Peppol

Peppol BIS Order Only

BIS Order Only is a simplified e-order message without acceptance or rejection support. It can include information on products and services, accounting, amounts, and VAT. In addition, the message supports inventory information when orders are based on catalogs.

Learn more about Peppol BIS Order Only 3.2.

Peppol BIS Ordering

BIS Ordering is an extended e-order message. The message includes all capabilities of BIS Order Only but enables suppliers to accept or reject orders, or inform about changes, through the Peppol network.

Learn more about Peppol BIS Ordering 3.2.

Peppol BIS Catalogue Without Response

BIS Catalogue Without Response is a product and service catalog message. Suppliers can provide customers with pricing and product-related information such as descriptions, taxation, frameworks, packaging, etc.

Peppol BIS Catalogue With Response

BIS Catalogue With Response supports all capabilities of Peppol BIS Catalogue Without Response but includes a response mechanism for customers. customer can send a response.

Peppol BIS Punch Out

Punch Out is a dynamic shopping cart, perfect, for example, in B2B e-commerce transactions. Customers can add products and services to a cart from online catalogs, make changes, and send an order to the supplier directly from their procurement system based on up-to-date catalog data.

Learn more about how punchout works in Peppol.

Peppol BIS Order Agreement

BIS Order Agreement enables agreements between the parties of a transaction. Suppliers can provide documentation about a purchase or accumulate multiple purchases within a framework agreement.

More information on Peppol BIS Order Agreement 3.0.

The future of e-orders

The use of e-orders and Peppol e-order management technology is expected to grow in the coming years, driven in part by regulatory demands from the public sector. For example, in Finland, new legislation is set to come into effect in 2023 that requires all public sector entities to use electronic invoicing and e-order management for all purchases. This is expected to drive increased adoption of e-order management among both public and private sector entities, further improving the efficiency and accuracy of transaction processes.

In conclusion, e-order management is an essential tool for improving buyer and seller transaction processes. By leveraging technologies such as EDI, electronic procurement systems, and e-commerce platforms, companies can streamline communication, reduce errors and delays, and improve overall efficiency. Using the Peppol network can further enhance these benefits, providing a standardized and secure platform for exchanging e-orders. As regulatory demands continue to drive the adoption of e-order management, it is expected that the use of this technology will become increasingly widespread in the coming years.