Transactions, technologies and trends

Insights on transactions, technologies and trends and news on product updates. Learn more about how to improve processes and how to use transactional data for operational excellence — from e-invoicing, e-ordering, and Peppol, to AI, B2B e-commerce, and financial data management.
Introducing the free AI-driven search tool for UNSPSC codes
Announcing our latest AI tool, designed to showcase our technology for streamlining the identification of correct UNSPSC codes for line-item products and services.

    Most people are familiar with the idea of automation. If you work in a finance department, you’ve likely thought of how automation …

When saving your business’s costs and improving its efficiency, one of the most promising routes for finance teams is automation. You’ve likely heard about …

Improving efficiency should be your top priority when it comes to expanding your business. While inefficient workarounds can work for a smaller business, inefficiencies …

Qvalia has been announced as one of the winners of the 2020 Red Herring Top 100 Europe Awards. Started in 1996, Red Herring enlists …

The European Union has initiated several projects to support the digitization of business and administrative processes among Europe’s companies and public sector entities.

How to turn your ideas and objectives in finance transformation into practice? How to reach increased automation in your finance process – across the …