As one of the initial access points, Qvalia has achieved the new Peppol service provider accreditation in Finland. This ensures compliance with the Finnish ACL register and is required to secure interoperability between the national business network TIEKE and Peppol, ahead of the upcoming mandate for electronic orders.
Starting April 1, 2024, Finland will require using Peppol e-orders in all new public procurements, indicating a wider adoption of the European business network Peppol in the Finnish market. As a result, Finnish authorities and governing bodies are enhancing the interoperability between TIEKE, Finland’s national business network for e-invoices, and Peppol.
From February 2024, Peppol service providers are required to obtain accreditation from the Finnish State Treasury. Qvalia’s accreditation, one of the first to be granted, authorizes us to offer comprehensive Peppol services in the Finnish market. In addition to providing a complete set of business messages, Qvalia can enroll Finnish companies in the Peppol directory as network participants and issue Peppol IDs.
The improved interoperability between the registers will result in changes to all Peppol IDs for Finnish companies and businesses. Finland’s new Peppol ID prefix is 0216. The former prefix, 0037, will now serve as the initial digits in each organization’s unique Peppol ID, for example 0216:003712345678.
How the Peppol directory works
Peppol has a decentralized address directory. The directory’s operation includes the Service Metadata Locator (SML) service, managed by OpenPeppol.
Additionally, several decentralized Address and Capability Lookup (ACL) services are maintained, also known as Service Metadata Publisher (SMP). Service providers maintain their customers’ Peppol IDs and information about which business documents they can process within the ACL service.
Peppol ACL in Finland
The Finnish State Treasury (Valtiokonttori) is Finland’s Peppol authority, maintaining the national ACL register. The country-specific requirements for using Peppol in Finland include regulations on using this national ACL register. Peppol IDs of organizations within the public sector in Finland must be maintained in the service. Peppol service providers may also maintain addresses for other Finnish organizations in the service.
Finland’s national Peppol ACL register is integrated into the public lookup service verkkolaskuosoite.fi, maintained by TIEKE. The service enables users to easily search for organizations’ e-invoicing and Peppol IDs in one place.
The national ACL register was implemented on February 1, 2024. Peppol IDs for organizations within the public sector must be entered into the service during a transition period, which expires on August 1, 2024.