Qvalia is part of Chas Visual Management’s winning bid for a framework agreement for software solutions and services to the Swedish public sector.
As a preferred supplier, authorities and public administration offices will now have simplified access to Qvalia’s data management platform for business transactions. The four-year framework agreement comes into effect February 18, 2023, includes seven winning suppliers and is estimated to have a total value of EUR 200 million.
“A broader share of the Swedish public sector can now establish more efficient transaction processes with our platform for complete data control, improved automation, and line-item level spend analytics in real time”, says Henri Taipale, founder and CEO of Qvalia.
The administrative services agency Kammarkollegiet is responsible for legal and financial expertise for Swedish government authorities and public administration offices, including framework agreements managed by the National Procurement Services department.
For more information about the framework, visit Avropa.se.