Transactions, technologies and trends
Category: Resources
Discover our comprehensive collection of resources, offering expert insights and guidance across a wide range of topics. Whether you aim to deepen your knowledge of transactional and financial technologies, enhance your business processes, or stay informed on industry advancements, our library is designed to equip you with practical knowledge and actionable strategies.
Visit our resource hub here.
Available resources
- Whitepapers: In-depth analyses of complex topics, providing strategic insights and actionable recommendations to address industry challenges.
- Ebooks: Comprehensive guides offering clear explanations of intricate concepts and step-by-step instructions for effective implementation.
- Guides: Practical resources focused on specific challenges, designed to help you streamline processes and improve outcomes.
- Webinars: Engaging sessions led by industry experts, showcasing innovative solutions and offering opportunities for live interaction and learning.
- Case studies: Real-world examples demonstrating how businesses have successfully implemented Qvalia’s solutions to achieve measurable results.
These resources are tailored to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the evolving finance and transaction automation landscape.

A new study from Qvalia reveals that invoice handling errors lead to a continuous hidden capital loss. Companies included in the study lost on …

How to turn your ideas and objectives in finance transformation into practice? How to reach increased automation in your finance process – across the …

For any finance team, in practically any type of organization, data is a crucial part to transform and automate finance processes successfully. Watch the …

Generation CFO’s Christopher Argent talks with Henri Taipale, founder and CEO of Qvalia, about the changing world of finance, CFO’s new role, the nature of finance …

Outdated processes, legacy systems, and the human factor cause accounting errors – and capital leakage for companies and organizations. We’ve put a price tag …