Transactions, technologies and trends
Insights on transactions, technologies and trends and news on product updates. Learn more about how to improve processes and how to use transactional data for operational excellence — from e-invoicing, e-ordering, and Peppol, to AI, B2B e-commerce, and financial data management.
Introducing the free AI-driven search tool for UNSPSC codes
Announcing our latest AI tool, designed to showcase our technology for streamlining the identification of correct UNSPSC codes for line-item products and services.

The EURINV19 project, an initiative which we are participating in, keeps progressing. At this point, we are conducting the CEF eInvoicing Conformance Testing and …

An important step towards a global standard for electronic invoicing has been taken. The Swedish format Svefaktura will cease to be recommended as a …

The e-invoicing market is seeing positive growth that is rapidly picking up. Market research predicts the adoption to grow by US$6.93 billion by 2024. …

Let’s face it: Automation and integration are the goals of any business today. They’re how companies will keep up with competitors as technology evolves …

What are the requirements for valid invoices? Here’s what you need to know. The goal of every business is to get paid for the …