Transactions, technologies and trends

Insights on transactions, technologies and trends and news on product updates. Learn more about how to improve processes and how to use transactional data for operational excellence — from e-invoicing, e-ordering, and Peppol, to AI, B2B e-commerce, and financial data management.
Introducing the free AI-driven search tool for UNSPSC codes
Announcing our latest AI tool, designed to showcase our technology for streamlining the identification of correct UNSPSC codes for line-item products and services.

How to turn your ideas and objectives in finance transformation into practice? How to reach increased automation in your finance process – across the …

Finance teams must consider reassessing their processes to maintain core functions and cash flow in states of force majeure. Here is some guidance for …

Did you know that your accounting data might contain significant amounts of hidden capital? Learn how financial data-mining can improve accounts payable processes, recover …

Qvalia has been appointed as Top E-invoicing Solution Provider in Europe 2019 by CIO Application.

For any finance team, in practically any type of organization, data is a crucial part to transform and automate finance processes successfully. Watch the …

The raison d’ être of technology and digitized transactions is flawless finance processes. Does the technology live up to the promise and what is …