Feature - Spend analytics

Løsning for analyse av forbruk i sanntid

Analyser bedriftens utgifter i sanntid og i detalj. Sikre kontraktsoverholdelse og kutt kostnader. Spend Monitor gir enkel og umiddelbar innsikt i bedriftens innkjøp.

Fra produkt- og tjenestekategorier på toppnivå til hver enkelt varelinje.

Synlighet på produktnivå for utgiftene dine

Spending too much on iPhones? Or industrial-strength power transformers? Spend analytics lets you track your company’s spend on a 5-level hierarchy. Drill down to every invoice line-item, product, or service.

Kraftige analyseverktøy

Våre verktøy muliggjør en dynamisk visualisering av innkjøpene dine. Søk etter leverandører, produkter og tjenestekategorier eller nøkkelord. Aggreger eller gå ned på detaljnivå, sammenlign priser og utgifter over tid, og identifiser de beste innkjøperne og leverandørene, slik at du kan forsikre deg om at du betaler riktig pris.

Automatisert klassifisering med global standard

Forbedre organisasjonens innkjøpsbeslutninger med full kontroll over historiske data og sanntidsdata. Validerte fakturaer klassifiseres automatisk i henhold til UNSPSC, en global standard med over 50 000 produkter og tjenester.

& compliance

Sikre at kontraktene dine holder økonomisk mål. Eliminer avvik mellom avtalte og faktiske priser. Vi gir deg øyeblikkelig og automatisk informasjon som du kan iverksette tiltak mot ved å sammenligne og analysere priser på varelinjenivå på leverandørfakturaer med prislister.

spend analytics and contract compliance

Improve procurement with spend analytics

Does your company buy from suitable suppliers for the right price? Spend analytics can help you save 5-20% of your total spend (Aberdeen Group). Qvalia enables you to make real-time procurement decisions based on your purchases with effortless spend analysis.

Det fungerer bare

Get your customized spend analysis dashboard without effort or investments in additional software. With Qvalia as your e-invoice operator, it just works. There is no time-consuming setup and no expensive stand-alone software. Qvalia is easy to integrate into any ERP.

Hva er utgiftsanalyse?

Spend analysis is the process of collecting, classifying, and analyzing an organization’s spending to understand where its money is being spent and identify opportunities for cost savings. Classification is made according to standardized systems such as UNSPSC or custom-made categories.

Spend analysis aims to help organizations optimize their spending and improve their financial performance by identifying areas where they may be overspending, underutilizing resources, or paying higher prices than necessary for goods or services. Spend analysis involves reviewing an organization’s purchasing data, contracts, invoices, and other financial records to gain insights into how it spends its money. This process typically involves using data visualization and analytics tools to help identify patterns and trends in the data, and then using this information to inform decision-making and identify opportunities for cost savings.

Qvalias Spend Monitor tilbyr en komplett løsning for spendanalyse, inkludert automatisk klassifisering av fakturapostdata, analyseverktøy og eksportfunksjoner.

Hva er UNSPSC-klassifisering?

The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) is a hierarchical classification system for classifying products and services. It is a standardized coding system used globally to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. The UNSPSC consists of codes identifying and classifying products and services based on their characteristics, functions, and uses. These codes are organized into a hierarchy, each representing a different level of detail or granularity in classifying the product or service. The UNSPSC is used by organizations worldwide to classify and describe the products and services they buy, sell, or produce and to facilitate the procurement and supply chain processes.

Spend Monitor by Qvalia automatically categorizes all purchases on a line-item level according to UNSPSC. The information is instantly available for analysis using our analytics dashboard or data export.

Les mer om UNSPSC.

Which technologies does Qvalia Spend Analytics use to classify invoice information?

Qvalia uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to automatically classify purchases on a line-item level at scale. The categorization is instant, independent of the number of invoices or line items.

Hvor mange utgiftsanalyserapporter kan opprettes?

Spend analytics allows users to create and edit an unlimited number of reports.

Kan jeg eksportere mine utgiftsanalyserapporter?

Du kan laste ned rapporter som CSV, PNG eller SVG fra nettgrensesnittet, integrere via API for sømløs eksport til ditt ERP- eller BI-system, eller kontakte oss for tilpasset eksport.

Which languages can Spend Analytics process?

Spend Monitor håndterer alle fakturaer med latinske bokstaver. Klassifiseringsteknologien vår er språkuavhengig.

What is the price of spend analytics?

Spend analytics is a part of Qvalia’s platform and is available via our Insight plan. The cost varies depending on your transaction volume. In general, the cost is a monthly subscription fee and might include a one-time setup fee.

For mer informasjon, se vår prisside.

Learn how spend analytics can help you improve your purchase decisions

Book a meeting with us today and learn how spend analytics enables data-driven decision-making.